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Nancy Barron & Associates, Inc.



Telephone:   859-254-4010

Fax:              859-254-8497


150 Grand Boulevard
Lexington, KY 40507

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Office Hours:

Weekdays 9-4 or by appointment 


Get started with a new account by calling for assistance.

How May We Help?

For your personal protection and security, Nancy Barron & Associates, INC will not accept trade orders through this website.  Also, our firm will not process any alteration or change of any account feature through this website. For service, please call or visit us during office hours. Thank you.


For information about this firm, please view FINRA's  BrokerCheck at


Nancy Barron & Associates, Incorporated, member FINRAMSRB and SIPC. Accounts are Clearing Housed with National Financial Services, LLC(NFS), member NYSE/SIPC. Nancy Barron & Associates, Inc. and National Financial Services, LLC are in no way affiliated, and are two totally independent companies.


Securities in accounts carried by National Financial Services LLC (“NFS”), a Fidelity Investments company, are protected in accordance with the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (“SIPC”) up to $500,000. For claims filed on or after July 22, 2010, the $500,000 total amount of SIPC protection isinclusive of up to $250,000 protection on claims for cash, subject to periodic adjustments for inflation in accordance with terms of the SIPC statute and approval by SIPC’s board of directors. NFS also has arranged for coverage above these limits. Neither coverage protects against a decline in the market value of securities, nor does either coverage extend to certain securities that are considered ineligible for coverage. For more details on SIPC, or to request a SIPC brochure, visit or call 202.371.8300.


“Excess of SIPC” Coverage In addition to SIPC protection, NFS provides for brokerage accounts additional “excess of SIPC” coverage through Lloyd’s of London, together with other insurers.* The excess of SIPC coverage will be used only when SIPC coverage is exhausted. Like SIPC protection,
excess of SIPC protection does not cover investment losses in customer accounts due to market fluctuation. It also does not cover other claims for losses incurred while broker-dealers remain in business. Total aggregate excess of SIPC coverage available through NFS’s excess of SIPC policy i 
$1 billion. Within NFS’s excess of SIPC coverage, there is no per-account dollar limit on coverage of securities, but there is a per-account limit of $1.9 million on coverage of cash. This is the maximum excess of SIPC protection currently available in the brokerage industry.


 Lloyd’s of London currently has an A (Excellent) rating with “Stable Outlook” from the ratings firm A.M. Best and an A+ (Strong) rating with “Stable Outlook” from Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s.†


*Fidelity’s excess of SIPC insurance is provided by Lloyd’s of London, together with AXIS Specialty Europe Ltd. and Munich Re.


†As of December 2012, and subject to change. For ratings explanations, please go to Lloyds_Market/Ratings/.



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